MDC receives 50K gift from The City of Miami

Education Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Miami-Dade College received a $50,000 gift to create the Eduardo J. Pardon Completion Scholarship Fund to support students close to earning their degrees or certificate programs.
The City of Miami was the benefactor for the gift award, as Mayor Francis Suarez and City Manager Dr. Emilio T. Gonzalez presented the check to help 50 students this year in time for MDC’s upcoming giving day I AM MDC DAY on Friday, Sept. 6th.
As part of the City of Miami’s Path to Prosperity Initiative, the new scholarship fund will give students the opportunity to more closely focus on their courses and complete their degrees while reducing the financial pressure to work full-time. Each scholarship recipient will receive $1,000 to support tuition and fees.
Nationally, about 15 percent of college students drop out with 75 percent of their credits completed.
“The Eduardo J. Padrón Completion Scholarship Fund serves as a welcome addition in our mission to create a pathway to prosperity for every resident in the City of Miami,” said Mayor Francis Suarez. “By accelerating program completion for students in the final year of their degree at MDC, this scholarship enables students to graduate, start their careers, and become active participants in our community’s future. I look forward to seeing this program carry on Dr. Padrón’s legacy of transforming lives through education and opportunity.”
At MDC, more than 80% of students rely on financial assistance to attend college. With support, MDC students are able to climb higher on the ladder of social mobility. MDC ranks first in the state among colleges and universities for improving student economic social mobility, with 36% who move up two or more income quartiles and 4th in the nation.
“Education is the great equalizer that builds a vibrant Miami, and we are so grateful to our partners at the City of Miami for this generous support of our students,” added Dr. Lenore Rodicio, executive vice president and provost of MDC. “Our hope is that students who receive this scholarship will benefit from the extra boost to reach the finish line, and we know they will go on to successful careers and be the changemakers of tomorrow because of the foundation they received at MDC.”
Suarez first shared plans for the scholarship fund in May during the re-naming ceremony of MDC’s Little Havana campus to the Eduardo J. Padrón Campus. Dr. Padrón will step down in the fall, after nearly 25 years as college president and 50 years of service excellence to MDC.