Miami Dade Schools, Siemens launch unique Hi-Tech Building Automation lab

Education Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Miami Lakes Educational Center and Techincal College (MLEC) hosted a recent ribboncutting event launching the first lab in Florida that teaches building automation systems technology to both high school and adult students.

 MLEC partnered with The Siemens Building Technologies Division (SBTD), which is the North American market leader for safe and secure, energy-efficient and environment-friendly buildings and infrastructures.

 As a technology partner, service provider, system integrator and product vendor, SBTD has offerings for fire protection, life safety and security as well as building automation, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and energy management. 

 Building automation is the computer-based, centralized control system installed in buildings that monitors and controls mechanical and electrical equipment such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting and other systems through a building management system or building automation system. 

 Automation is transforming the way facilities manage realtime energy consumption. Technicians for this new and exciting field are much in demand with some 49,000 job openings available in the U.S. With more than 600 jobs in Miami-Dade. 

Students who enroll in this program will develop the hightech skills such as IT networking, electrical and mechanical systems, data analysis, energy management strategies and systems integration. 

 Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho, Miami-Dade School Board members, Global Higher Education Market Manager at Siemens Industry Inc. Steve Hoiberg, MLEC faculty and staff as well as adult, dualenrollment and future students were invited to the event.