Miami Lakes Educational Center tops all previous test scores

Education By Yasmine Mezawi, Special to The Miami Laker Tuesday, July 3, 2018


Through trial and error, through countless restless nights of doing homework and projects, through the never-ending cycle of studying, Miami Lakes Educational Center (MLEC) students have achieved yet another milestone.

Even when the school has almost reached the summit of excellence, the students’ dedication always seems to surpass everyone’s expectations. The 2017-2018 Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) and End-of-course (EOC) assessment scores show a vast improvement in comparison to those of last year, further proving how dedicated MLEC’s students and faculty continue to be.

“We had an 80 percent passing rate last year in the U.S. history EOC. To see it move up to an 84 percent, I mean that’s the kids, teachers, and administration. It’s a package deal. Teachers did all the heavy lifting and the students worked so hard. The dedication seen in not only my students, but those of other teachers, was incredible,” said History Department chair John Moffi.

MLEC’s hard work is not only shown through these scores, but also amongst the school’s 99 percent graduation rate, where 96 percent are enrolled in college, and one percent are enlisted in the U.S. military. Additionally, MLEC’s tireless work also helped to receive the status of being an “A” school for the eleventh time. 

“These preliminary results are a testament to the hard work and determination of our entire MLEC family. Despite all of the challenges and hardships that we encountered this year, including the devastation from Hurricane Irma, students made incredible learning gains,” said English department chair, Neyda Borges. “I am fortunate to work with focused, brilliant students and with talented and dedicated colleagues in a district that always puts education first.”

Our top Jaguar, principal Lourdes Diaz, helped attain such academic prestige in every field that she could. She was committed to ensure the continued success of the school by staying after hours to assure that everything ran smoothly, and she also approached new methods of helping students and teachers.

“We have an outstanding faculty here at MLEC. They are true professionals, dedicated to their craft and to the students they teach. We also have amazing students who are serious about their learning. When you combine those two elements, you can’t help but get terrific results,” said Diaz.