Miami Lakes teen serves as a page in Fla. Capitol

Education By Linda Trischitta, Editor Thursday, February 17, 2022

     It was a busy week for Aidan Schwinghammer, who served as a page during the first month of Florida’s legislative session.

     He created a mock bill, led the Pledge of Allegiance to start a session for the House of Representatives and met Gov. Ron DeSantis, other elected officials and young pages like himself who volunteered from around the state.

     “It was really enjoyable and I would love to go back if I get the opportunity,” said Aidan, 14, an 8th grader at Miami Lakes K-8 Center. “Not as a page, but as a messenger, when I’m in high school.”

     Aidan lived in Tallahassee from Jan. 31 – Feb. 4 with his parents, Adriana and Sean Schwinghammer.

     Aidan wore his own sharp navy jacket with a House of Representatives patch sewn on a front pocket. He also wore state pins and a name tag.

     Fla. Rep. and Speaker Pro Tempore Bryan Avila, R-Miami Springs who represents District 111, nominated Aidan for page service, Sean Schwinghammer said.

     Aidan’s mock bill was to place solar power units on all government buildings and to return excess energy to the power grid.

     “It would help stop air pollution,” Aidan said.

     The pages passed the bill, which also offered a tax cut, he said.

     Aidan lives in Miami Lakes with his family. 

     He is a Sea Scout on Ship 144 and Boy Scout with Troop 566.