Middle school students compete at Pace's 2018 Academic Olympics

Education By Raquel Edmundson Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Nearly 400 students from 11 middle schools across South Florida competed in Monsignor Edward Pace High School’s (Pace) 2018 Spartan Academic Olympics on November 2. The annual event celebrates the academic achievements of middle school students in multiple subject areas, such as English, math, foreign languages, art and science.

Academic olympians arrived at the Pace campus early to register and take their exams in Pace classrooms. Olympians were divided into sixth, seventh and eighth grade groups for each subject and assessed by Pace teachers.

While students took their exams, their parents were invited to stay for a Pace campus tour given by students and staff. After the tests were completed, results were tallied and students returned to the Spartan Center for an exciting presentation of the individual and overall awards.

The first, second and third place individual winners for each subject across the three grade levels were honored on-stage with certificates and medals presented to each of them by principal Ana Garcia.

For overall awards, the schools were awarded trophies in each of the small or large school categories. Annunciation Catholic School won first place among the small schools, followed by Saint John the Apostle Catholic School and Holy Cross Lutheran School.

In the large school category, Immaculate Conception Catholic School erupted into cheers as they took home the first place trophy, while St. Rose of Lima School and Saint James Catholic School were awarded second and third place respectively.

Pace High School will be holding its high school entrance exam on December 1 at 8 a.m. For more information on enrollment, visit www.pacehs.com, email admissions@pacehs.com or call (305)923-7223, extension 203.