MLEC's Harbinger editors sign off and turn over to new editors

Education By Valeria Bula and Sabine Joseph, Special to The Miami Laker Monday, July 8, 2019

Four years. That is the actual, chronological, time that we spend in high school. But it is so much more than time spent and – paradoxically – it somehow feels both like a lifetime and over in the blink of an eye.
Now that it’s over, we want to say a few last things as the editors of The Harbinger. It was a tumultuous year: for us personally, for our #PinkRoom staff and the community and world. The news was not always good. Politics is as ugly as ever. There were heart breaking stories of tragedy and dysfunction.
There was also a lot to celebrate. We published eight issues, including one that was distributed to each and every student, teacher and faculty member on the first day of school. The staff works hard to sell ad space, our only source of revenue. Our online readership continues to grow, reaching readers around the world. Our social media presence remains strong.
Our staff also had a great year. We won awards at the Florida Scholastic Press Association, from CSPAN, from Herff Jones and we could go on. But this isn’t about that.
Our school was named the best magnet school in the country. Why? Because a group of almost entirely working-class, black and brown kids – many of us first generation Americans that had to translate our Miami Lakes Educational Center applications to our parents – met a team of teachers that taught us, believed in us and pushed us to succeed.
The Harbinger was a labor of love. We poured our heart and soul into writing, reporting, photographing and editing. We stressed over deadlines, maybe even squabbled a bit. And we did it, one issue at a time, we covered big news stories and fun features. We wrote about prom fashion and political upheaval. And we learned that, even when it seems impossible -- like editing those articles in time to make it to print on time or finding the money to publish another issue – it can be done.
We interviewed experts. We connected with journalists, attorneys, doctors, scientists and professionals. We made an impact. Neither one of us is sure that we will pursue journalism as a career, but what we gained from The Harbinger, from the Pink Room, made us better.
To our staff, we believe in you. When you’re juggling articles and assignments, essays, projects and math homework, believe us – you’ll survive. We are proud of the work we’ve done in our newsroom and we know that we built on the legacy of all the staffers that came before us (shout out to our Pink Room Family!), we are leaving that legacy in your hands.
To our teacher, Neyda Borges, thank you. There is simply not enough space to how you have helped us, taught us, inspired us. We love you!
To our readers, followers and alumni, thank you for your support. Thank you for reading and sharing our work, for encouraging us, for answering our emails and requests for interviews. Please stay in touch.