MLEC's National Honor Society members brought smiles to Children's Hospital

Education Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Miami Lakes Educational Center’s (MLEC) National Honors Society (NHS) partnered with Children Battling Cancer (CBC) to support their Easter collection drive. The students organized a drive and collected small toys to go into Easter baskets that would be delivered to children at Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital, so that they could enjoy the holiday from their rooms.
“I love to organize these donation drives because I know they are going to benefit people that deserve our help. It's also a great way to get students involved in something much greater than themselves,” said Kaylee Miranda, a senior in the Cambridge Academy and the NHS president.
This is the third major drive that MLEC’s NHS sponsored this school year. Over the summer, they collected clothes, shoes and school supplies for children at His House, a residential and foster care for children in crisis. The group has also organized toy drives and food drives for the holiday season.
“As Easter and Passover approached, Kaylee thought of the children who may not be well enough to celebrate the holidays. She was the one that connected us with CBC,” said Erica Evans-DeSimone, Cambridge Academy Leader and NHS sponsor at MLEC.
CBC is a non-profit organization that supports families with children going through cancer treatment both financially and emotionally. The toys were all sorted, organized and delivered to the hospital in time for the holidays.