MLK-8 Center raises funds for St. Jude's through self-published book

Education Thursday, June 2, 2016

The students at Miami Lakes K-8 Center, pictured with principal Carlos Salcedo (center) PTSA president Erika Nuñez (right) and Suzanne Choopani (left), participated in the Little Snowy Community School Project which raised funds for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. The school made a check to St. Jude’s for $500 from sales made off the book. Over 250 books were sold in two weeks. Miami Lakes K-8 teacher Suzanne Choopani introduced the self-published book Little Snowy written by her niece, Behnaz Barazesh, to her classroom and like wildfire, the students and teachers alike were won over by Snowy and his adventures. The book is available through Amazon.