MLK-8 Center teacher celebrates 26 perfect writing scores

Featured Monday, July 17, 2017

Miami Lakes K-8 Center eighth grade Language Arts teacher Virnalis Arvelo treated her top writers to dinner at Shula's 2, as she does every year to the students who achieve a perfect writing score on the Florida Standards Assessment.  

“I’m so proud of all my students and their hard work, I was speechless and overcome with emotion when I counted 26 perfect writing scores,” said Arvelo. “That's a record! I started this little tradition back in 2011 with six students and I’m so pleased that it has grown. I really love that it gives the students something to strive for when they walk into class the first day. Perfect or not, I want all my students to know that I love them all and have to pinch myself some days.”

As a Miami Lakes Elementary alumni, Arvelo is living her dream of becoming a teacher and giving back to her community. This coming year, she will be combining her passions for teaching and Zumba by bringing Zumba classes to Miami Lakes K-8 Center.   

“I’m so excited that we will be offering Zumba at my school, a way for students to incorporate healthy habits, become lovers of fitness and just have some fun during the school day,” said Arvelo.