Mother of Our Redeemer launches year-long mission of stewardship

Education Friday, December 2, 2016

Mother of Our Redeemer Catholic School students are continuing their Works of Mercy projects in stewardship, giving of their time, sharing their talents, learning selflessness, and showing God’s love for others.   

School principal Ana Casariego has incorporated the school year’s theme of “Empowering Each Child Through Excellence and Mercy.”  Teachers guide themselves by this theme every day to instill the important lessons of mercy and stewardship within the students.  

Students have been involved in several “projects of love” so far this school year, and have many more to come. All grade levels participated in a fundraiser for Crohn’s Disease and Colitis in November for Family Fun Day in which they volunteered their time selling refreshments and participated in a school walk.   

Eighth grade students walked for more awareness in the Step Out for Diabetes 5K Walk in support to find a cure for this wide-spread disease. They walked side-by-side with many who have Diabetes and whose families are affected by it.  

The school feels it is their mission to instill these acts of love at a young age because it is the youth who will go forward to do great things for others throughout their lives and in this world all in the name of God.