NBC 6 reporter Darryl Forges visits MLEC

Education By Gabriella Licona and Devin Dubon, Special to The Miami Laker Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Darryl Forges, a reporter for NBC 6, visited Miami Lakes Educational Center’s (MLEC) newsroom on January 25, and discussed journalism, work ethic and the 24-hour news cycle with students who run the school newspaper, The Harbinger.

 Forges’s news reel, a compilation of his latest work, ranging from crime scene coverage to a ‘punny’ segment of Zoo Miami’s yearly Zoo Doo event was testament to the unpredictability of a journalist’s day. 

“Every day is different,” said Forges, who may begin his day covering an accident on the Palmetto before driving to cover a mayor’s speech, then a protest, then a shooting. 

The only thing that he knows for sure when his alarm clock goes off at 2:30 a.m., is that he has no idea how the day will go. And it is exactly that creative chaos, and his newly discovered love of a Cuban Colada, that fuels him through those predawn hours. However, his adventure almost didn’t happen. 

After graduating from the University of West Georgia, Forges had trouble finding work. It took him seven months, he said, to land his first job. But, he worked through the selfdoubt and he eventually became a reporter for the CBS affiliate in Alabama, where he had the opportunity to report on several significant and historic events. 

“I had the opportunity to cover President Obama’s visit to Selma for the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, and the 60th anniversary of the Montgomery Bus Boycott,” Forges said. 

Forges covered politics and tragedy. He was “threatened with a shotgun – more than once,” and he reported on stories of victory and loss. Before moving to Miami, Forges won several awards including an Alabama Broadcasters Association Award, as well as two Associated Press Awards and had the amazing experience of rushing through a red carpet interview with John Legend to interview Oprah Winfrey. 

Early in his career, Forges tried to emulate other journalists, like Lester Holt. It was not until he embraced his own voice, that his career really began. 

“There are a lot of people in this world who don’t want to be themselves because they’re afraid of standing out. Find yourself, know who you are,” Forges said. 

His biggest advice? “Believe in yourself, and always listen to your teachers.”