Officials salute social worker for her dedication to kids

Education By Linda Trischitta, Editor Wednesday, July 5, 2023

      Miami Lakes officials saluted Ana Knapp, a social worker of two decades who works on behalf of children who have unstable housing.

      Knapp works in Miami Dade County Public Schools’ Project UP-START program, in the North Region.     

     During the June 6 municipal meeting, Councilmen Ray Garcia, Luis Collazo and Josh Dieguez presented to Knapp a proclamation from Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid

    Cid recognized her “remarkable achievements,” “dedicated service,” “compassion” and “indelible impact upon children and families.”

     Knapp said it was her “privilege to work with the students” and “to make sure they are taken care of” and that “they have the right to an education like any other student.”

     Knapp is shown in the photo above with Councilmen Ray Garcia and Luis Collazo. Photo courtesy of the Giving Gators charity.