Pace High students compete at FBLA State Leadership conference

Education by Raquel Edmundson, Special to the Miami Laker Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Monsignor Pace High School (Pace) students competed at the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Florida State Leadership Conference on March 16 through 19 at Orlando. The FBLA competition showcased a wide variety of business events in categories like accounting, advertising, entrepreneurship, coding and programming as well as community service.

Some notable performers for Pace included junior Vanessa Perez-Robles who received 5th place in Public Speaking. In addition, a trio of freshman, Nicolas Macias, Eric Gonzalez and Jonathan Reyes received 4th place in the category of Mobile Applications Development.

“The FBLA state conference was a very fulfilling experience. Not only was I exposed to the limitless possibilities that the business world has to offer, but I was also able to meet people from all over Florida with the same drive and ambition that our club instills in our members,” stated Pace's FBLA Club president and senior Grace Li.

The FBLA is an organization dedicated to helping high school students improve their leadership capabilities and achieve their academic goals. It is intended to help the youth better understand American business enterprises and helps youth students build a future path for their college and career goals.

“The state conference taught me how business can be used to our benefit for our future careers, no matter what they may be. I am truly appreciative for the opportunity to have attended as it was full of learning experiences that I know will help me in my future career,” Li said, who hopes to major in engineering.

The Florida Chapter of FBLA currently has over 15,000 members across the state, making it one of the largest in the nation.