Pace holds school-wide prayer service for Parkland school victims

Religious By Raquel Edmundson, Special to the Miami Laker Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Following the tragic events that took the lives of 17 individuals in Parkland this past February, the students at Monsignor Edward Pace High School (Pace) felt the call to join the local community as well as the nation, by holding a school-wide prayer service to remember the lives lost.

On March 14, marking the one month anniversary of the tragedy, students who wanted to participate were invited to quietly walk out of their classrooms for the prayer service. As they arrived on the track surrounding the football field, the students joined hands and Campus Ministry director Andres Novela took time to address them with an emotional call, saying “Today we walk out, we speak up and we stand. We stand in solidarity with the victims of gun violence and those affected by the tragedies at Parkland. We stand with the youth, those whose voices are calling for justice, for change – echoed by the prophet Jeremiah, who heard the voice of God say, ‘Do not let anyone tell you you are too young’.”

As a school community, the students, faculty and staff took part in a 17 minute assembly of prayer and reflection, one minute for each of the lives lost at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The atmosphere was solemn and respectful as Pace junior Jerusha Jean sang a moving rendition of “Amazing Grace.”

At the center of the field, students held signs reading “MSD Strong,” “Take this time 2 take action!” and “#NeverAgain.” In a touching tribute to the victims, a group of students held photos and shared short stories about each of them aloud.

“We are teenagers just like them and they lost their future. Those parents lost their kids and these kids won’t be able to go to college,” said eleventh grader and Student Government president David Barbier.

For students, the prayer service offered them the opportunity to reflect and unite in an effort to keep the conversation going. Barbier and the students were thankful to the administration for their support in letting them express themselves in this way.

“It’s important for the kids to know that they can speak out and that they do have a voice. Part of our role is to help them become adults in our society who are not afraid to speak up and to talk about what is right and what is wrong,” acknowledged principal Ana Garcia. “This was a prayer service, and this was an opportunity to come together as a community and say we understand and we hurt as well. Today we pray together, so we can act together and create change together.”