Pace student attends HOBY Leadership Seminar

Education By Raquel Edmundson, Special to the Miami Laker Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Monsignor Edward Pace (Pace) student Guadalupe Diaz represented her school during this summer’s Hugh O’ Brian Youth (HOBY) South Florida Leadership Seminar held at Palm Beach University from May 31 through June 3. 

Diaz, a rising junior and an active member of Pace’s National Honor Society, Student Government, Student Ambassador Society and Future Business Leaders of America Club, joined representatives from over 50 local high schools who demonstrate an enthusiastic interest in leadership and in creating positive change within their high school and community. 

During the four-day seminar, Diaz learned how to implement the “social change model,” a model that stems from a decision for change within an individual which continues to a group and ultimately ends with change among an entire community. 

The process was practiced through activities during the seminar so that participants would be able to put the model to use in their future leadership situations. The entire seminar focused on fostering leadership skills and was done in an interactive and collaborative environment. 

The HOBY organization was founded in 1958 by American actor Hugh O’Brian in an effort to help in “training and nurturing the young leaders of tomorrow.”  Diaz’s participation in this regional seminar makes her an eligible candidate to attend the World Leadership Conference which takes place annually in Chicago.