Pace students attend Congress of Future Medical Leaders in Boston

Education By Raquel Edmundson, Special to the Miami Laker Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Two students from Monsignor Edward Pace High School (Pace) spent a few days of their break traveling to Boston for the Congress of Future Medical Leaders. Pace junior and Miami Lakes resident Diana Cao and sophomore Ulysses Del Pino served as delegates for the event which took place June 25 through 27.

The congress was created by the National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists to help solve the problem that many of America’s highest potential students never fulfill their dream of entering the medical profession due to a lack resources, direction, self-confidence or guidance. 

During the congress, they heard from leaders and top researchers in the medical field about cutting-edge advances and the future of medicine and medical technology. They were given advice by deans of Ivy League and top medical schools on what to expect in medical school and also witnessed inspiring stories told by real patients who are living medical miracles. 

“This is a crucial time in America when we need more doctors and medical scientists who are even better prepared for a future that is changing exponentially,” said Richard Rossi, executive director of the National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists. “Focused, bright and determined students like Diana Cao and Ulysses Del Pino are our future and they deserve all the mentoring and guidance we can give them.”

Cao aspires to become a psychologist, while Del Pino dreams of becoming a cardiovascular surgeon. Both Pace students were nominated by Dr. Mario Capecchi, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine and the Science Director of the National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists. They were both selected to represent Florida based on their academic achievements, leadership potential and determination to serve humanity in the field of medicine.