Pace students attend TEN80 STEM Innovators-in-Training Workshopv

Education Saturday, December 2, 2017

It was an interactive day among future innovators as 12 students from Pace High School’s AP Computer Science Principles class participated in the TEN80 Education’s STEM Innovators-in-Training Workshop.

The one-day event took place at the Miami Airport Convention Center in late October where students attended workshops and sessions focused on the important aspects of innovation such as engineering, enterprise, content and leadership.

Pace students participated in team-oriented challenges and had an opportunity to program circuits, fly drones, race cars and engage in other STEM-related activities.

Senior Kai Cooper said, “The STEM Workshop was really interesting. I learned different things about coding and it enhanced my interest in Computer Science.”

The Computer Science Principals class is taught by Pace’s Emerging Computer Technologies Program lead teacher Hedda Falcon and is part of the school’s Signature STEM Academy program designed to prepare students interested in a career within the computer science industry.

For more information about Pace’s STEM Signature Academy program, contact

305-624-PACE (7223) or