School Board approves three items by Perla Tabares Hantman

Education Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Miami-Dade County Public School Board unanimously approved three items proposed by Board member Perla Tabares Hantman at a December regular monthly meeting.

The items proposed opportunities to collaborate with community entities that can deliver free, high quality and engaging youth programs to students during out-of-school periods; a request for authorization of the Superintendent to encourage all of Miami-Dade’s public schools to participate in the “2017 Miami National College Fair” scheduled for Sunday, February 26; and an endorsement to add an additional 10 schools for submittal under the Safe Routes to School infrastructure grant program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

“The safety of the youth of our community is of the highest priority to this Board, and historically, we have taken a strong position to ensure that while students are on our campuses they are in a safe and welcoming environment. I look forward to the Superintendent’s collaboration with community entities in providing the same safety to our students during out-of-school times,” said Hantman.

The Board voted to promote the 2017 College Fair, explore youth programming and endorse additional schools for submittal under the Safe Routes to School infrastructure grant program.