SLE students selected to participate in UNICEF Kid Power Program

Education Monday, March 13, 2017

The more students move, the more points are earned. That’s the basis of the UNICEF program taking place at Spanish Lake Elementary where students were selected by scholastic achievement to participate in the Kid Power Program.

Each student is given a fitness band from UNICEF which is linked to a tablet in their classroom which tracks steps taken as well as the progress in other schools which have been selected to participate in this program.  

Additionally, each student is given a UNICEF Kid Power Passport for them to track their travels around the world to places with severely malnourished children. Through their points, a therapeutic packet is unlocked which helps provide for these needy children as well as the program participants who are learning about the places throughout the world where need exists.  

While enhancing their own fitness and knowledge of geography, the students at SLE are helping others. “Little Steps of Hopes” is the team name and the goal is to win the most points of any other participating school.