SLE's art teacher Jessica Castillo awarded Education Fund grant

Featured Tuesday, May 26, 2015


The Education Fund awarded Spanish Lakes Elementary’s (SLE) newest art teacher, Jessica Castillo, a Mural Grant. The grant was funded through the Lynn & Louis Wolfson II Family Foundation and the R. Kirk Landon Foundation.

The purpose of the grant was to increase student awareness in selecting healthy, organic foods and pride in their school cafeteria through art. The students used abstract painting styles to fill in their chosen food item. With tape and a given set of colors for each assigned vegetable or fruit, the mural to enhance the cafeteria wall was created. Twenty-two students worked diligently with Castillo after school to complete The Power of Art project.

“This has given my students a boost in self-esteem and an incredible sense of confidence and ownership in their cafeteria and school,” said Castillo.