Spanish Lake Elementary 4th graders paticipate in 'Bee'yond Essay contest

Education Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Fourth graders at Spanish Lake Elementary (SLE) in a co-teaching inclusion class led by teachers Gianinna Lombardi and Evelyn Garrastazu decided to enter a contest, the Above and “Bee"yond Teacher Essay Contest in Miami-Dade County to showcase their teachers. If they won, they would be rewarded $500 for needed classroom items, and their class would receive breakfast at Applebee's. 

It was a glorious day when these students found out that they were the winners, and they were even more excited when they attended the function. The winning essay was written by Isabella Nordo. She embellished on how effectively structured and fun her class was. She also wrote about how she finally learned how to write an essay, and how the teachers have planned surprises for students throughout the year. 

The event was “Red Carpet” themed, and every student was truly a star as each of them were called up individually to receive their end-of-the-year awards. It was standing room only at Applebee's to teary-eyed parents, as each child was celebrated for achievements earned during the year. The students in this classroom are given every opportunity to shine, as the teachers personalize learning in this diverse classroom and nurture confident learners to grow.