Special needs runners represent American Senior High School

Sports Tuesday, March 13, 2018


The American Patriots (AP) runners are a group of student athletes with special needs at American Senior High School (ASHS). These athletes are coached like varsity athletes and have achieved milestones. 

 Most of the students run miles without stopping, and a few can run or walk the entire distance. These athletes train weekly to compete in all types of marathon events in Miami- Dade County. The last event AP Runners participated in was the Kids Run Miami in late January. They are looking forward to the next event which will be the Miami-Dade County Public School’s Superintendent's 5K Run or Walk Challenge on Sunday, April 7. 

 Notable athletes include runners Joaquin Figueroa, Rubin Wilson, Zachary Brown, Alejandro Perez and Joel Pena. Female runners Dominique Williams and Tatyna Butler are top two in their division. Being on the AP running team has given these students high self-esteem and pride. They are respected and admired by the students and staff.