St. Thomas' Javier Rojas selected for NASA internship

Education Wednesday, May 4, 2016

St. Thomas University senior Javier Rojas was recently selected to be a part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) summer internship program, the Centennial Challenges Program in Huntsville, Alabama.

During the internship, which commences June 6 and ends in August, Rojas will research new technology developments in solving complex problems associated with spaceflight and living on another planet.

He credits St. Thomas University’s faculty and staff, especially the Office of Career Services for mentoring him, guiding him and helping him pursue such a prestigious internship.

“I’m looking forward to this amazing experience,” Rojas said. “And I’m so grateful for St. Thomas preparing me with all the skills, help and guidance that has prepared me for this high-caliber internship. I am excited to represent St. Thomas.”

Rojas, who is majoring in mathematics and studying for minor in computer science, graduates in August and is planning on pursuing his Master’s Degree at St. Thomas University as well.