St. Thomas opens registration for IMPACT program

Religious Thursday, March 3, 2016



Registration is now open for STU (St. Thomas University) IMPACT: Empowering Young Disciples, a program which aims to gather 100 rising sophomore through senior high school students, both from South Florida and from throughout Florida, for an eight-day experience in Catholic theological education during summer 2016 from June 17-24. 

In December 2015, STU received a grant of $557,588 to establish STU IMPACT. It is part of Lilly Endowment Inc.’s High School Youth Theology Institutes initiative, which seeks to encourage young people to explore theological traditions, ask questions about the moral dimensions of contemporary issues and examine how their faith calls them to lives of service.

Jennifer Kryszak, program manager and assistant professor of theological and ministerial studies at STU, will be joined by other STU faculty members, guest faculty, and counselors in leading the high school students through the program. Students will live on campus, learn from renowned scholars, and participate in local and regional civic engagement activities. 


“We’re excited to help strengthen young people’s spiritual journeys and future,” said Sister Ondina Cortés, assistant professor at STU. “In addition to the lineup speakers, we will provide opportunities for participants to reflect in prayer and directly explore critical situations which call for a Christian response.”


High school students wishing to participate in the STU IMPACT summer institute must complete the application process available online at by March 30. Students will be notified of their acceptance no later than April 15. For any questions about the program or the application process, email

STU IMPACT is also seeking counselors, age 21 and up. Counselors will walk along-side high school youth as they explore their call to service, as well as have an opportunity to discover, or re-discover their own call to service. The position provides a $500 stipend. For more information, visit