"Values Matter" at Spanish Lake Elementary

Education By Carole Slonin, Special to The Miami Laker Monday, October 17, 2016

Students and staff at Spanish Lake Elementary School (SLE) have gained insight into the importance of “Values Matter” in order to work harmoniously together.  Values have become very important to the SLE family, and students have learned that they might have to make decisions that aren't the most popular or following the crowd.

At SLE, ”Values Matter Today and Everyday” kicked off with a school-wide pep rally. Students reflected how they could be their best and which values they demonstrated from the My Values Report Card. The pep rally closed by taking The Sandy Hook Pledge.

“Start With Hello Week” followed the successful Values Matter Kick-Off Week. Incorporated was the Sandy Hook Promise and the SLE Family promised to spread positivity throughout the school and community through postures, sticky notes, social media postings. On Wednesday, green was worn to show growth and unity. The remainder of the week, positivity and connections flowed into the community through posters and respect. Jackie Nespral, a celebrity anchorwoman from NBC 6 tweeted a special Values Matters Poster about the event.