BGEC Civics students visit state capitol and request legislative help

Education Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Bob Graham Education Center students in the Civic Engagement Academy got a civics lesson earlier this month from State Senator Rene Garcia, State Representative Manny Diaz Jr., and Miami Lakes Councilmember Frank Mingo. 

The students were in Tallahassee and received a tour of the Florida Senate and House chambers respectfully, and learned how an idea becomes a law and how the Florida budget works every year. Hitting close to home was how the budget can impact the Town of Miami Lakes when their elected officials request state funds for Town projects.

The BGEC students also presented their Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act proposal that will be worked on by Garcia and Diaz. 

“A good idea can take years to become law,” Garcia told the students. “That is why you never give up and fight for something you believe in.”
“The more they learn about our system of government now, the better citizens they will become in our republic,” said Diaz.

“It is truly important to have Senator Garcia and Representative Diaz going to bat for Miami Lakes when they are in Tallahassee,” said Mingo. “The students really had a great time learning the legislative process.”