BGEC's fifth grade CEA students win third place in 'We the People' competition

Government Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The fifth grade Civics Engagement Academy (CEA) students from Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) won third place in the 2018-2019 ‘We the People’ Competition held at the North Campus of Miami-Dade Community College on February 15. 
This competition is generally held for middle school students in eighth grade, yet this is the second year that Miami-Dade County has conducted an elementary version of the competition for fifth grade students. BGEC has now placed twice in the top three. 
The primary goal of the’ We the People’ Competition is to promote civic competence and responsibility among the nation’s elementary and secondary students. Participants hold a simulated congressional hearing as the culminating activity for the We the People program.
The students work in cooperative teams, prepare and present statements before a panel of community representatives who act as congressional committee members. Students then answer questions posed by the committee members. The format provides students an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of constitutional principles. 
The fifth grade CEA students thanked teachers Mercedes Mendez and Lusila Garcia who worked with them relentlessly after school in order to prepare for this important endeavor. A well deserved congratulations goes out to these students that worked very hard for their well deserved placement.