Com. Jordan’s resolutions aims to help for Major R. Carter

Government Tuesday, June 13, 2017

A Miami-Dade County resolution will give a helping hand to a critically injured police officer who’s still recovering from his injuries after a motorcycle accident last month. 

Commissioner Barbara Jordan’s resolution, unanimously approved by colleagues, allows county employees to donate accrued annual and holiday leave time, up to a cap of $50,000, to Miami-Dade Police Major Rick Carter, who doctors had to amputate one of his legs following the 1-75 crash. 

Carter, a 21-year police veteran and commander of the Northside District, crashed into a guardrail on the expressway in May and was airlifted to Jackson Memorial Hospital. 

“Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Commander Carter as we look to the generosity of our county employees to help him in his time of need,” Jordan said. 

Jordan represents District One which includes Country Club of Miami and Miami Gardens.