Family, friends, supporters gather for Gwen Graham campaign event

Business Wednesday, April 18, 2018


A homecoming fundraiser was held recently at Shula’s Steakhouse in Miami Lakes for Florida gubernatorial candidate Gwen Graham. Over 100 family, friends and supporters were in attendance and many of the ladies donned Graham for Governor dresses they wore when Bob Graham ran for the  state’s top leadership position.

As the daughter of the former Florida governor and U.S. Senator, Gwen Graham has adopted her father’s famous “Graham Workdays” during her state-wide campaign where she spends an entire shift working alongside Floridians, whether it be working on farms, teaching in public schools, or even training with the U.S. Air Force in a T-38 jet.

In 2014, she successfully won a seat in Congress representing a conservative north Florida district and was one of just two Democrats in the entire country to defeat an incumbent Republican.

She pledged to those attending the fundraiser that she would be a Governor for the voters, and not special interests.