Fifth Grade Students at Bob Graham Education Center Win second Place in “We The People” Competition

Government Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Some of the fifth grade students at Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) participated in the first ever “We the People” Competition in the elementary grades. This competition is usually offered at the middle and high school level, but this year the school district decided to have the first ever set of Mock Trail Hearings for elementary students. The “We the People” Program enhances students understanding of the institutions of American Constitutional Democracy.  

Students learn the importance of the Constitution as well as the Bill of Rights. The Simulated Congressional Hearing is the culminating activity for the “We the People” Program. The entire class, working in cooperative teams, prepares and presents statements before a panel of community representatives acting as a congressional committee. 

Students then answer follow-up questions posed by the committee members. Students had an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of constitutional principles while providing teachers with an excellent means of evaluation.

The hearing was held at the Miami Dade Community College North Campus, and was sponsored by the Department of Social Studies for Miami-Dade County Public Schools. BGEC students came in second place in the district overall.  These students did an amazing job for the first time ever participating in such a competition under the direction and leadership of Lucy Garcia and Mercedes Mendez.