Florida CFO visits Miami Lakes to study rock blasting operations

Government Thursday, August 17, 2017

Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis paid a visit to Miami Lakes as part of the state’s plan to study the rock miner’s blasting operations, which residents claim cause damages to their residential properties.

The Fire Marshall Office, which falls under the CFO, regulates and minors the blasting by the rock mining industry.

The state legislature allocated $325,000 for the study to determine if the regulations need to protect properties and homes.

State Representatives Manny Diaz Jr., and Jose Olivia and State Senator Rene Garcia secured the funding to study blasting during the 2017 Legislative Session.

“The impacts of rock mining blasting on nearby structures is a growing concern among residents in Northwest Miami-Dade County,” said Patronis. “As a result of Representative Diaz and Senator Garcia’s leadership, and the support of Governor Scott and the Legislature, funding has been made available to conduct a thorough study into the effects of rock mine blasting. I look forward to joining all parties involved and working towards a well-researched, amicable solution to this matter.”

Said Diaz: “I want to thank our new CFO Jimmy Patronis for making time to learn about blasting and work on a thorough study. We will continue to work together for what’s best for our homes and community.”

Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid said, “CFO Patronis’ visit to Northwest Miami-Dade is yet another positive step in the process to mitigate the impact of rock mining. The CFO is a friend and a great Floridian who has the people’s best interest of the heart.” 

Councilmember Frank Mingo said. “The CFO wasted no time to dive into this issue and partner with us to continue to find solutions for Miami Lakes and our neighbors.”