HML's Model UN team wins in Large Delegation

Government Wednesday, April 3, 2019

From March 22-24, the Hialeah Miami Lakes Senior High (HML) Model United Nations (MUN) team competed against delegates across Florida and as far away as the United Kingdom in FIMUN 31 held at Florida International University's main campus.
With topics ranging from cyber security and the regulation of GMOs to colonial empires, HML delegates honed their public speaking, diplomacy and policy-writing skills. Out of 35 participating schools, the team was awarded the Outstanding Large Delegation Award.
HML students also won individual awards in several committees. In General Assembly committees, Gerardo Basallo and Marycarmen Hernandez received the Outstanding Delegates Award in the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC).
Anyer Francisco and Franco Hinojosa received the Outstanding Delegates Award in the World Health Organization (WHO). Gabriel Barrios and Keven Dominguez received an honorable mention in WHO. Akil Cole and Brianna Sanchez received honorable mentions in the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM). In Crisis Committees, Daniel Miro was awarded an honorable mention in the Irish War of Independence (1919) Committee. Joaquin Otero received an honorable mention award in the Spanish Privy Committee. Daniel Concha received a verbal commendation award in the EU council 2019 and Michael Mahmoodi received a verbal commendation award in the NATO 2080 Committee.
Previously, the team also competed against high schools across the county in the Miami Dade Model UN Conference which was held on February 22 and 23. This MUN conference was organized by the Foundations for Leadership, in partnership with Miami-Dade County Public Schools Department of Social Sciences and Miami Dade College.
Topics ranged from maternal health in the UN Women’s Committee and supporting democracy in Latin America through the Human Rights Council to the verification of disarmament in the International Atomic Energy Agency and the question of Palestine in the Security Council.
Competing in pairs, HML's students took home two best delegation awards first place and three honorable mentions third place. Senior delegates Naomi Valdez, Erika Canela, Miro and Erik Fernandez won Best Delegate awards in their respective committees. Kellyn Pritchard, Michel Vasquez, Samya Zia, Sanchez, Basallo and Cole won honorable mentions in their respective committees. The team is led by Rukayat Adebisi.