If elected Diaz, Mingo propose blasting legislation

Government Thursday, September 6, 2018


State Representative Manny Diaz Jr. (R-Miami), and Miami Lakes Vice Mayor Frank MIngo have announced that if elected in November to the State Senate and House, the first piece of legislation both members would file in their respective chambers will be to address the rock mining blasting near Miami Lakes, Palm Springs North, Miramar and Southwest Ranches in Broward County.

While serving in the Florida House, Diaz and State Senator Rene Garcia (R-Hialeah) secured funds with the held of Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis to conduct a blasting study with the purpose to reduce the blasting intensity and frequency move blasting zones further from residential areas, and require compensation for citizens for blasting damage. The study has been completed. The Legislative Task Force will review the findings of the study, and help craft legislation.

“Balancing our residents’ quality of life with the need for concrete production is an important issue that must be addressed at the state level, and I plan to hit the ground running to do so,” said Diaz, who is running for Senate District 36, which includes part of Miami-Dade County.

“If elected to the Florida House, I’m committed to file legislation to address the rock blasting that is occurring in our Miami Lakes community,” said Mingo, who is running for House District 103, which includes parts of Broward and Miami-Dade counties.

“I’ve lived in Miami Lakes for more than 30 years and my family and neighbors are also feeling the effects of the rock blasting. Our residents deserve relief and I am committed to ensuring our property structure and values remain unharmed.”

“Manny has my full support in the Senate to propose legislation that will address this issue,” said Senate President=designate Bill Galvano (R-Bradenton). “He has share with me the effects the blasting has caused in his community, while also relaying the importance of having available concrete for the needs of our state. I look forward to working with him on this issue during the legislative session and have asked him to take the lead on this issue when he is elected to the Florida Senate.”

“Working together is crucial to bringing change and solution,” said House Speaker-designate Jose Olive (R-Hialeah). “I too have asked Frank Mingo to plan to work with his counterpart in the Senate when he is elected to the Florida House and have pledged my support of his efforts. Together, not only will these two members bring a powerful combination for the delegation to Tallahassee, but the community will benefit from their collective attention to this matter the moment they are elected.”