Interactive transportation map on website

Government Thursday, May 18, 2017

Town of Miami Lakes announced an interactive Transportation Improvements Map has been added to the Town’s website at
The new map allows users to click on each “pin” that identifies a specific transportation project. A pop up window then appears providing additional information about the project, as well as links to access the project’s design plans.

Two years ago, Vice Mayor Tony Lama and Councilme mber Nelson Rodriguez initiated a Transportation Summit to bring together the relevant stakeholders and experts of all agencies responsible for transportation to focus intensely on specific problems, while ensuring that all agencies’ actions are strategically coordinated to achieve optimal solutions.

Based on ideas generated at the summit, a list of strategies recommended for the Town to pursue was incorporated into the Town’s Strategic Plan, and Town staff was authorized to pursue the ideas with responsible outside agencies, as well as seek grant opportunities and legislative appropriations to implement the strategies. Each “pin” on the map indicates a project that was derived from the Transportation Summit. 

For more information, contact Transportation Planner Michelle Gonzalez at, or 305-364-6100.