Jeffrey Rodriguez, Xiomara Pazas vie for Seat 2

Government By David L. Snelling, The Miami Laker staff Thursday, October 4, 2018


Xiomara Pazos is seeking a Miami Lakes Town Council seat for the third time but newcomer Jefferey Rodriguez is standing in her way, as the two political candidates are seeking Seat 2 on November 6.

The winner replaces Council member Tim Daubert who is term-limited this year.

Pazos, owner of a medical transportation company, was vice president of the Serenity Pointe Homeowners Association and a long time community activist on issues of concern. She also volunteers for senior citizens.

Pazos, a Miami Lakes resident for 10 years, said she moved here because she wants to live in a small community that also has the best of everything.

“I moved here because it is a great friendly community,” said Pazos, who raised $300 for her campaign.“To me, Miami Lakes means kids, seniors, family, respect, love, comfort and security.”

Pazos, 61, said she decided to run for political office for a third time because the Town Council has no diversity of thought or of any diversity of any kind.

“They all vote the same way and are not objective and do not keep an open mind,” Pazos said. “They continue expanding that we don’t need or wnt wasteful spending in our small town,” she said. “The way the council and mayor are going, the town will go to millions of dollars in debt. We need public servants who are not part of any particular group of special interests. We need public officials who have the courage to speak for the average resident. I will speak for the average resident.”

While on the campaign trail, Pazos said she’s been knocking on doors and listening to people’s concerns. She said residents don’t know who council members are in general and they are complaining nothing has been done to solve the traffic problem.

“And they don’t like the idea of spending $55 million for parks,” she said. “They said crime is increasing in our town.”

If elected, Pazos said she will have an open door policy. “My door will always be open,” she said. 

Pazos is hoping the third time is the charm, as she’s seeking another opportunity to be elected to the Town Council.

She said she’s the best candidate and hopes residents agree with her political platform.

“Resident should vote for me,” she said. “I would not have voted to allow the budget proposal to increase resident taxes, building hundreds of homes that will create more traffic and hurt our schools. New ideas mean new solutions. Just engaging could reshape dialogue around certain issues,” she added.

Rodriguez, 34, is an attorney who specializes in contract law, real estate, corporate law, bank finance law, mergers and acquisitions and other commercial transactions.

He’s married to Gisela Castilla Rodriguez, and they have two children, Ava Marie Rodriguez, 6, and Alec Jude Rodriguez, who is three-years old. 

For community involvement, Rodriguez served on the Miami Lakes Economic Development Committee in 2014 and was appointed to the Miami Lakes Planning and Zoning Board the following year. He later served as chair of the board before he stepped down to run for Town Council. 

Rodriguez, who has lived in Miami Lakes for over 9 years, said he moved here because it’s the quintessential place to raise a family in South Florida.

“Having experienced Miami Lakes as a child living in Hialeah, I always viewed Miami Lakes as the quintessential place to raise a family,” he said. “Naturally, when my wife and I decided to purchase our first home and raise a family, we chose Miami Lakes.”

Rodriguez, who has raised $15,825 for his campaign, said Miami Lakes is his refuge from the hustle and bustle of his daily life on Brickell Avenue.

“It is a place where my children play in parks with their cousins and friends,” he said. “A place where my wife and I have met some extraordinary people with whom we share similar values. Miami Lakes is place we do not hesitate to recommend to family and friends looking to raise a family.”

According to Rodriguez, he doesn’t look at the position on the Town Council as a political office. Instead, he views it as an opportunity for public service.

“I consider serving on the Town Council as my chance to give back to our community and do what I can to ensure that we keep Miami Lakes moving forward while maintaining the small-town characteristics that drew many of us to the town in the first place,” he said. “My desire to serve on the Miami Lakes Town Council was prompted by my love and appreciation for Miami Lakes.” 

Rodriguez said residents have given him an ear full on the issues in the town.

He said while on the campaign trial, traffic is the residents’ top priority.

“I have been canvassing the town and going door to door since February, and obviously the number one issue on everyone’s mind is the amount of traffic,” Rodriguez said. 

Rodriguez said he’s optimistic the Town Council can fix the gridlock following several traffic proposals including widening of N.W. 67th Avenue at the Palmetto Expressway and Windmill Gate Road and MDX’S plan to develop new entrance and exit ramps.

Rodriquez said an overwhelming majority of residents believe the town is moving in the right direction.

“With that being said, even residents that are satisfied with the current status of the town believe that there are still ways we can make improvements,” he said. 

If elected, Rodriguez said he favors an open door policy and would be more than willing to meet with any resident to discuss their concerns.

“I believe that is one of the mayor and current councilmember’s biggest strengths,” he said. “The mayor and other council members have published their phone numbers and have encouraged residents to text them to discuss issues and set up meetings. That is the type of transparency that should be encouraged by local government.”

Rodriguez said residents should vote for him because he intends to stay true to the Bill of Rights of the town’s charter, which states that the Town was created “to protect the governed, not the governing.”

“Protecting and improving the quality of life of our residents will be my primary concern,” he said. “That starts with the small details like ensuring that our streets and sidewalks are properly maintained, that our beautiful trees are properly trimmed, and that our parks are safe places for our children to grow up. But improving the quality of life of our residents also means tackling the larger issues affecting our residents, namely increased traffic and devastating blasting conditions. As their next Councilman I will strive to ensure that our Town remains safe and friendly.”