Manager Selection Committee lists preferences for candidates

Business By David L. Snelling, The Miami Laker staff Thursday, July 5, 2018


The next town manager for Miami Lakes must have at least five years experience in government or the private sector, a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or a law degree, and be effective in carrying out the town’s strategic plan and operating a budget between $15 and $30 million.

The candidate preferably is bilingual and may be asked to move to Miami Lakes to share the everyday experience of residents. 

The Miami Lakes Town Manager Selection Committee laid out the criteria for candidates applying for the top position, hoping to initially narrow the list to 15 then selecting the top 7 candidates for the current and new council members to interview to determine the best person for the job. 

In addition, the next top town administrator must be responsive to the needs of elected officials and residents, possess good project management skills, a good public speaker, creative, a mediator, a community leader with an outgoing personality and able to handle difficult situations. 

Candidates also can have a law degree or experience in business and public administration, accounting and finance and education.

At the committee’s meeting last week, the members also recommended a point system to further evaluate the candidates during the interview process and determine if they are ethical.

Candidates who score a total of 50 points (25 points for experience) would qualify for the next round of the town manager job search.

“We will be looking for those with bachelor’s degrees,” said committee chairman Ramiro Inguanzo. “But I have many successful people who don’t have a bachelor’s degree. Education is important but not as important in the job experience they have working in government or the private sector.” 

“The point system would be great interview questions,” said committee member Dr. Richard Pulido.

International City Manager Association credentials, which includes at least 4 years experience in government and tests for skills in key areas, is also among the qualifications.

Inguanzo, an assistant village manager for Bal Barbour, said he has ICMA credential as a town manager and some members of the organization are not.

He said some chose not to become ICMA credentialed mangers.

According to Town Attorney Raul Gastesi, among the 70 applicants, 33 of them met the town’s minimum requirements for the job and seven were “on the fence.”

“Some of them have the experience but managed a budget less than Miami Lakes,” he said.

The committee’s $20,000 budget includes attorney fees, advertising the position and background checks.

Gastesi said he would need council’s approval for additional fees if the budget runs out.

The town may also spend more money on candidates’ travel and hotel expenses.

Pulido said one candidate who lives in North Florida asked the town to pay for her flight and hotel stay.

“She can stay at Shula’s Hotel at night but do we have the dollars for that,” Pulido said. “I have not seen a budget to debate the areas where the dollars are spent.”

Gastesi said he can request more money for the Town Council if needed.

“I don’t think it’s set is stone that we can’t ask for more money,” he said.

The selection committee has until October 1 to complete its portion of the job search.

The committee selected July 24 to August 28 to narrow the list of candidates to 7 and interview them before sending them before the current and new council members.

With a November election, the Town Council will see three new faces as Council members Tim Daubert and Ceasar Mestre reached their term limits and Vice Mayor Frank Mingo is vacating his seat to run for the state senate.

The new council members will ultimately select the new town manger to replace the retiring Alex Rey, who will have served as town manager for more than 14 years.