Marilyn Ruano confirmed as new councilmember

Community By David Snelling, The Miami Laker Friday, August 4, 2017

It’s official.

Marilyn Ruano is the newest Miami Lakes Town Council member following an unanimous vote to replace vice mayor Tony Lama, who resigned after he accepted a job offer with Amazon in Seattle, Washington. 

At last week’s special meeting, council members confirmed Mayor Manny Cid’s nomination to appoint Ruano, an accountant, to fill Lama’s seat until next year’s general election on August 28, 2018.

Cid said he chose Ruano since she has been involved in the town’s affairs since incorporation in 2000. 

She was president of Royal Palm Estates Homeowners Association, served on the Miami Lakes Education Advisory Board and has attended almost every Town Council meeting voicing her opinions on many significant issues.

“I don’t want a rubber stamp, I want someone who’s independent,” Cid said. “I want someone who’s going to challenge our ideas and make us better.”  

Cid said Ruano, who earned her Bachelor’s Degree at Florida Atlantic University, joining the council was good timing for budget season. “It’s a valuable asset to have an accountant up here,” Cid said.

The mayor said he broke tradition by making his decision public a month in advance for transparency, and to give residents a chance to know her. “I haven’t heard any negative comments about her,” Cid said. 

The other town’s elected voices concurred.
Councilmember Ceasar Mestre said he’s elated Ruano is joining the group because of her years of dedication and commitment.

“There are two types of people: One who sits back and complains and doesn’t so anything to change things; and the other who gets involved,” Mestre said. “You were present at every meeting. You stick up for our schools and you stick up for our kids.” 

Councilmember Tim Daubert said he’s proud the mayor picked someone who has been active in the town for years. “That means a lot, especially to all of us,” he said. “I look forward to working with you.”

Councilmember Nelson Rodriguez, who was unanimously voted the new vice mayor, said: “I think she’s the perfect choice.” 

Councilmember Luis Collazo said he’s no longer the rookie on the Town Council. “I can’t throw out my rookie card anymore because we have a rookie on board,” he quipped. “I now have a classmate and we can inspire to learn from each other.” 

Most residents applauded Cid’s decision to nominate Ruano.

Mirtha Mendez, a vocal critic of the Town Council since incorporation, said the mayor’s choice was the best “ever” decision in Miami Lakes’ history. 

“There’s not a word in my vocabulary to say,” she said. “I’m in such support. She’s absolutely qualified to fill one of those seats.”
Carlos Alvarez, who filed papers to run next year, likes the idea of a woman on the Town Council.

“I’m in full support of your decision because it brings diversity to this great leadership this town has,” he said. 

Jeffrey Rodriguez, chairman of the Miami Lakes Planning and Zoning Board, said Ruano is well deserving of the honor of filling Lama’s seat. 

“She attends our meetings and is always involved,” he said. “She’s the type of person who really cares about this town.” 

Ruano depicts herself as a passionate advocate for children and their education. She has volunteered and served a treasurer of Bob Graham Education Center PTSA from 2007 to 2013; president of the Civic Engagement Academy Bobcat Law Society from 2014 to 2016; Educational Excellence School Advisory Council parent representative from 2015 to 2016; and currently serves on  the Wellness Advisory Committee for Miami-Dade County Public Schools representing School Board member Perla Tabares Hantman.  

After she was sworn into office, Ruano took her seat on the dais to a standing ovation. 

“It makes me emotional to see friendly faces,” she said. “Tonight means a lot to me. Tony Lama let a legacy and I am honored the mayor nominated me to his seat.” 

Rodriguez, the new Vice Mayor, joined with outgoing Vice Mayor Tony Lama in spearheading the Town’s transportation initiatives. Also an advocate for education and children, Rodriguez previously served as chair of the Town’s Education’s Advisory Board and president of the Miami Lakes K-8 Center PTSA. 

“It was a privilege to be unanimously nominated by my colleagues to the position of Vice Mayor,” Rodriguez said. “I plan to continue the strategic traffic and transportation plans that Vice Mayor Lama and I initiated.”