Seniors and disabled residents who require assistance with hurricane preparation may register with the Town of Miami Lakes to get help from Jerry’s Squad.
The deadline is May 27.
Jerry’s Squad is a program offered by the town. Squad volunteers install shutters and help with other preparations when a hurricane warning is issued.
When a storm passes, the team then takes the shutters down for the enrolled residents.
The program is open to Miami Lakers who may be elderly, frail or live alone and plan to shelter in place during a hurricane.
The Squad is named for the late Jerry Schneider, town resident who was a member of the town’s Elderly Affairs Committee and a veteran of the Korean War.
One application per household will be processed, according to the town.
Squad volunteers are also being sought.
They must be 18 or older and should also apply by May 27.
To fill out an application visit
For more information call Aisle Pastora at 305-364-6100 ext. 1143.