'Miami Lakes Connect' is now available on mobile apps
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
As of April 19, the Miami Lakes Connect mobile app is now available for iOS and Android users.
Powered by SeeClickFix, Miami Lakes Connect allows residents to submit quality of life concerns on the Town of Miami Lakes website, mobile applications (iPhone, Android), call center, and Facebook.
When submitting requests, residents can provide locational, descriptive and photographic information for the issue in real time. The platform provides town staff with a centralized issue management system to manage issues from creation to resolution while engaging residents throughout the process.
As part of the Strategic Plan “Imagine Miami Lakes 2025, the Town continues to remain dedicated to improving the use of technology to enhance transparency and open the lines of effective communication with residents and business owners.
To download the Miami Lakes Connect app for mobile use:
For Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.miamilakes.seeclickfix.
For iOS - //itunes.apple.com/us/app/miami-lakes-connect/id1460047802?mt=8.
For more information, contact Community and Engagement Outreach director Clarisell De Cardenas at decardenasc@miamilakes-fl.gov, or 305-512-7133.