Miami Lakes funds PSAT class at BGEC

Education Thursday, March 3, 2016


Students at Bob Graham Education Center have a new elective this school year which is funded by the Town of Miami Lakes. The new elective focuses on vocabulary and is geared towards assisting students as they prepare for the PSAT.  

Every day is different in the classroom, whether the students are exploring vocabulary in a new way, identifying literary devices in a novel, presenting their latest creation or even nervously reviewing index cards for a vocabulary test, students expand their creative mind while learning. Teacher Irza Legra leads this course. 

“I love watching my students embrace each assignment and get excited over each project. It’s even more rewarding when I hear my students use new vocabulary in their everyday language. This class has even boosted my students’ confidence in presenting before others, expanding their ideas, and editing their writing,” said Legra.