Miami Lakes Youth Council appoints three new members

Government Friday, August 4, 2017

Three new members were appointed to serve on the Miami Lakes Youth Center Council at the group’s June 21 meeting. The new members were chosen by their peers based on academic record and strong leadership backgrounds to serve for the upcoming year.

The Youth Center Council (YCC) is charged with the responsibility of governing the Miami Lakes Youth Center, “The Spot.” Members are provided opportunities to assume leadership roles, while building valuable skills that will carry into adulthood. 

The YCC meets monthly to discuss the overall progress of the Youth Center, and discuss ideas for field trip locations, community service events, and future programming.

The new YCC members: 

Juliana Correa, a 6th-grader at Miami Lakes K-8 Center who serves as vice president of the Student Government and president of the National Honor Society.

Christina Gonzalez, an 8th-grader at Bob Graham Education Center, is a member of the school’s Advanced Band and Girl Scout Troop 206. 

Michael Turino, an 8th-grader at Miami Lakes K-8 Center, is also a member of Student Government and media crew along with the Salsa and Chess clubs.
The three new members bring the YCC membership to 13 who will serve together to improve the Youth Center while gaining insight into governmental body functions.

For more information about the Youth Center and YCC, visit, or call 305-819-7768.