Rep. Manny Diaz Jr. meets with Education Secretary Betsy Devos

Government Friday, July 7, 2017

Florida State Representative Manny Diaz Jr., and his wife, Jennifer Diaz, discussed his education goals for the state of Florida with U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy Devos, at the Nation’s Capitol in Washington D.C. 

In Tallahassee, Diaz has been a strong advocate for education, sponsoring legislation this year to strengthen Florida’s education system, which was a priority for House Speaker Richard Corcoran of Land O’ Lakes.

Controversial House Bill 7069, which Governor Rick Scott signed into law, includes $30 million to ensure students with special needs maintain their scholarship through the Gardner Scholarship Program; funds to reward teacher excellence with bonuses; $140 million to turn around failing schools through the Schools of Hope Program; and $400 million to charter schools and teacher bonuses.

DeVos, former chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party, is known for her support for school choice, school voucher programs and charter schools.