Town officials and civic leaders attend Ana G. Mendez ribbon-cutting

Education Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid and Councilmembers Luis Collazo, Tim Daubert, Marilyn Ruano and Nelson Rodriguez, attended the ribbon cutting ceremony of Ana G. Mendez University on February 27. The school is the first bilingual university in the Town of Miami Lakes.

“Ana G. Mendez is more than a university in our Town,” said Cid. “They were with us going door-to-door during our Hurricane Irma relief efforts. We stood shoulder-to-shoulder with them to help the island of Puerto Rico after Irma,” he noted.

The town officials appreciated the university’s efforts during and after Hurricane Irma because an inauguration and ribbon-cutting ceremony were delayed until February.

“Although the inauguration was delayed, the University has become a big part of our community with their contribution,” said Rodriguez.

Ruano added, “The university is a wonderful addition to Miami Lakes and truly embodies the spirit of family. Students and staff reached out to the Town in Irma relief efforts delivering food and ice in the areas where there was no power.”

Ruano also thanked the university’s efforts during Hurricane Maria where it transformed their facility into a warehouse of hurricane supplies. “This is what Miami Lakes is all about, a sense of community,” she said.

Collazo was honored to be a part of the inauguration ceremony and thinks the University is a great community partner.

Ana G. Mendez University has campuses in Puerto Rico, Maryland, Orlando, Dallas, and now Miami Lakes. It is one of the few bilingual universities in South Florida and the Town of Miami Lakes has welcomed the university system into the Town.