Town Topics: The town council chose the rollback rate for property taxes. Did you see a decrease in the town portion of your tax bill?

Community By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Abel Fernandez,  Retired, Miami-Dade County Fire Rescue Battalion Chief, Miami Lakes 

     “Overall, it did not [change] because of the other taxes,” Abel Fernandez said. “Because of the other taxes mandated by the Town of Miami Lakes.” 

Claudia Luces, Social Studies Teacher, Miami Lakes Educational Center, Miami Lakes 

     “It did in my case,” Claudia Luces said. “I did see a drop in the tax payment that I would have made if we had adopted the higher millage rate. I did see a drop, which is good considering the town ended up with the $2 million surplus, it seems we can afford this.” 

Mirtha Mendez, Retired, Miami Lakes 

     “As a whole it went down a little bit, but we got nailed in the increase of the garbage fee [and] that hurt,” Mirtha Mendez said.  “It was little things. Technically I am not in the loss column, I am in the even column.” 

Mario O. Pinera Jr. , Chief Operating Officer, M.O.P Auto Parts,  Miami Lakes 

     “Personally, I did notice a bit of an increase on my tax bill, and I understand that everyone is struggling,” Mario O. Pinera Jr. said in an email. “It’s clear that everything, especially the cost of living in Miami Lakes, has gone up. I get why the rollback was necessary for the community to manage the overall property tax hikes. As for my payment, it didn’t see such a drastic change, but I’ve heard from others dealing with higher bills. Fingers crossed that the new property appraiser can bring in some alternatives.”

Marilyn Ruano,  Town Councilwoman, Miami Lakes 

     “I was very happy to see a reduction in the taxes we pay to the Town of Miami Lakes,” Marilyn Ruano said in an email. “Sadly, there was an increase from all other taxing agencies and my tax bill as a whole increased.”     She encouraged property owners to review their trim notices.
     “They will see how this town council made it a priority to keep taxes low during these difficult economic times,” she said.  Rents have prompted families and businesses to leave town and tax and insurance rates caused elders to leave, she said. 

     “A reduction in municipal taxes can help alleviate some of the burden for Miami Lakers,” she said.        

Alexandra Herrera interviewed our Town Topics talkers who provided their photos; Marilyn Ruano’s photo is courtesy of the Town of Miami Lakes.  We thank you all!