Town's annual financial audit paints positive picture

Government Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Town of Miami Lakes completed its annual financial audit successfully for fiscal year 2017 that was presented to the Mayor and Council at the April 3 Council meeting.

The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) includes an introduction, financial, statistical and a compliance section reporting the financial health of the Town, in accordance with government auditing standards.

The Town is required to perform an annual independent audit by a licensed independent auditing CPA firm. This year’s audit was conducted by Rodriguez, Trueba & Co., CPA, P.A.

The Government Finance Officers Association has awarded the Town a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for five consecutive years, 2012-2016.

For the second consecutive year, and withstanding different auditors for the last three years, the Town’s audit has been found without weaknesses, deficiencies or findings. Town Manager Alex Rey recognized chief financial officer Ismael Diaz, MBA, and the finance team for their work and transactional integrity.

Mariano Rodriguez, CPA and managing partner for the auditing firm, also complemented Diaz and his team for the expediency, proactivity and timeliness of the audit. The Town is in excellent financial health and in 100 percent compliance with the auditing standards.

The  complete CAFR  can be found in the “Finance Section” of the Town’s website,