Town’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report now available on website

Government Thursday, May 4, 2017

Town of Miami Lakes is presenting its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016 which is now available on the Town’s website.

The Town has seven funds: General Fund, Special Revenue, Electric Utility Tax, Debt Service, Capital Projects, Impact Fees, and Storm Water Utility Fund. 

Pursuant to Florida Statue Chapter 218 and the rules of the Auditor General, the Town is required to perform an independent audit of all financial activity during the fiscal year by a licensed CPA firm.

At the end of fiscal year 2016, the Town has positive balances in all categories of net position, placing the Town in a healthy and favorable financial position. The auditor’s report did not list any findings or recommendations, providing for a “clean audit.” 

The CAFR was presented to the Mayor and Council at April’s council meeting by a representative of the audit firm, Alberni Caballero & Fierman, LLP.
To access the 2016 CAFR, visit