Volunteering: Help Jerry’s Squad during hurricane season

Community By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Thursday, July 20, 2023

     If you spend a lot of time at the gym, why not put those hard-earned muscles to work on behalf of neighbors who are not as strong?

     You’ll get in another workout, and feel great about helping others, too.

    Jerry’s Squad is a group of volunteers who assist elderly and disabled Miami Lakes residents prepare their homes when a hurricane approaches South Florida.

     You may be asked to deliver water, hang shutters or do other tasks, including return homes to normal when the skies clear.

     Registration is open for Miami Lakes residents 18 and older.  

     Submit an application online or drop one off at the front desk in Town Hall, 6601 Main St. 

     The application may be found here: https://buff.ly/3pIsRih

     Residents who need help from Jerry’s Squad may sign up with this form: https://bit.ly/3XQa80T

     The squad is a project of the Miami Lakes Elderly Affairs Committee

     It is named for the late Jerry Schneider, a Miami Laker who was a member of the committee and a veteran of the Korean War. 

     For more information go to www.miamilakes-fl.gov or call 305-364-6100.