'Welcome Home Gwen' event attracted BGEC Civic students

Featured Wednesday, August 1, 2018


While most kids are on summer break from school, the students from the Civic Engagement Academy (CEA) at Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) spend their summer reading, researching and meeting with their teachers to prepare for the upcoming school year.

Their most recent meeting was on July 25 at the Mary Collins Community Center. As he has done on several occasions in the past, Senator Bob Graham surprised the students and spoke with them about the work they are doing in the CEA.

Graham enjoys meeting with the students, as he takes great joy in seeing civic education taught in an interactive manner. He provided an overview of his experience in government and congratulated the students for their efforts in understanding the government better and encouraged them to continue learning and staying engaged.

“As aways, Senator Graham is so gracious with his time withthese students. His insights provide themwith an incredible wealth of knowledge and experience, and to hear it directly from the namesake of their school is amazing,” said Ramiro Inguanzo, a parent of three students in the CEA.

After their meeting, several students walked to the nearby Picnic Park West where candidate for Florida Governor Gwen Graham, Bob Graham’s daughter, was meeting with local residents during a “Grilling with the Grahams” event where they could ask questions about issues impacting the State. Just as gracious with her time as her father, Graham spoke with the students and shared with them her thoughts on various important issues.

The CEA has won many local, state and national competitions over the past few years. Most recently, the incoming eighth grade students participated in the 2018 Project Citizen Showcase, where they came in first place, and the incoming seventh graders and the incoming sixth graders each won second place in their respective Miami-Dade County district competitions.