Clara Lyzniak honored with Remy Award by South Florida Theatre League

Business Wednesday, September 19, 2018


On August 27, Clara Lyzniak was given the honor of Outstanding Board Member, and recognized with a prestigious RemyAward by the South Florida Theatre League. 

 The RemyAwards are named in honor of Remberto Cabrera, the former Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs’ Senior Cultural administrator and chief of Cultural Development. The awards are given to the unapplauded who provide outstanding service behind-thescenes of the South Florida Theatre League community.

 For over 21 years, Lyzniak has been involved with the 44- year-old Main Street Players (MSP) Theatre, and has acted as president and executive director for the past 12 years. 

 Over the course of her term as executive director, Lyzniak was responsible for establishing a permanent venue for MSP. Twice during her term, she rescued the theatre from bankruptcy, and established MSP as a viable and fiscally sound theatre company. 

In 2017, after 42 years as a community theatre, she helped make MSP a professional theatre company. She recently stepped down from the board of directors to focus more on acting and directing. She also has two upcoming projects in Spanish at MSP in both capacities. 

 During the day, she works as a translator and proofreader in advertising. 

 Lyzniak is the recipient of multiple awards from the Town of Miami Lakes for her contributions to the community through the arts, and was named Best Supporting Actress in Miami New Times’ Best of 2012. 

 Through her dedication and leadership, Lyzniak has set a path of success for MSP for many years to come.