Summer offers great time to improve on math skills

Business Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Summer learning loss is a phenomenon parents and educators have long acknowledged as a significant setback to academic achievement. Johns Hopkins University researchers indicate math proficiency is particularly susceptible to the summer learning slide.
Students lose two to two and a half months of the math computational skills they learned during the regular school year.
Experts widely agree that summer math studies provide a solution. Students who attend summer programs with a math component score higher on math tests the following school year than students unable to participate in summer instruction.
Incorporating math studies into a student’s summer routine brings other significant benefits.
Mathnasium chief instructional officer Larry Martinek says, “During summer break, children have a log of unstructured time allowing them to unplug their busy minds and become more focused. These are ideal conditions for effectively absorbing new information and become more focused.
“We have found the summer months to be a great opportunity for students to work on mathematics and have seen children make great strides with a serious commitment of just two to three hours a week,” Martinek added.
For more information, contact Miami Lakes center director Priya Pitre at 844-384-3395, or visit The Miami Lakes center is located at 15410 N.W. 77 Court.